The Harlow Report

The Harlow Report-GIS

2023 Edition

ISSN 0742-468X
Since 1978
On-line Since 2000

first published week of:   05/08/2023

How to Emboss an Imagery Basemap

by  John Nelson, Esri

The world imagery basemap is a beautiful and capable basemap...but what if it was just, like, jumping out at you

Ah the simple pleasures of the World Imagery basemap. So much earth. So much imagery. So many corners of this world to explore. How can we take something so verdant and charming and just ratchet it up to eleven? We’ll use a water mask and some layer effects, that’s how!

0:00 Start out with the World Imagery basemap. Give it a Brightness and Contrast effect of 196 and 96, respectively. And respectfully.

0:14 Via the layers, add the World Imagery again, from Living Atlas.

0:22 Also add a Living Atlas layer named Bathymetry Light.

0:28 Group the Bathymetry and Imagery layers, with Bathymetry on top.

0:35 Apply a Destination Out blend mode to the Bathymetry layer. This is effectively a clipping mask, so only the imagery’s land areas are visible in the group.

0:42 With the whole group selected, apply a black Drop Shadow effect.

0:49 Back in the group, select the bathymetry layer, and give it a Drop Shadow effect of white. This gives the land a bright edge.

1:00 Profit.

 Read full story at ArcGS Blog